Where is Coastal China located? Coastal China is located about 32 degrees north, 120 degrees east. China is bordered by the Yellow Sea, South China Sea, Pacific Ocean and by 14 countries, including North Korea, Russia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Burma, Laos and Vietnam. China is a large country both population wise and square miles; the population of China is about 1.38 billion people and the square miles of China is a bit smaller than the US about 3.7 billion (90 million less than the US). Compared to the countries surrounding it for the area of China its is the most populated country compared to those surrounding it. China is very similar to the other countries in its region as in it has the same geographical features, but looking at the country itself it is very different from others in the region at the same time. China is one of the most modern countries in the world at the moment next to the UAE.

This picture shows how modern China is but at the same time how the people keep their culture while doing so.

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