If you look at any of your items in your house you’ll find it usually says “MADE IN CHINA”.  China has many factories that make many products for the US.

Image result for china factory

Last year china’s total exports to the US was 115.8 billion. and goods imported totaled to 462.8 billion.  The reason the US cant make all the stuff China exports to us is because the US has certain work laws that china doesn’t have or other countries don’t have. Also Chinese workers work for very little money so its cheaper for america to buy their products.


Image result for china exports to us 2016

people move around the same as they do in the USA. china has cars, buses, trains, airplanes, and subways. buses and trains may be larger due the the amount of people in china.  The is also a lot of traffic in china again do to the population.


Image result for cars in china