The traditional food in Japan is based on rice which is used in mostly all food. Soup and seasonal dishes are also very common. Seafood is very popular and sushi is probably the most popular and has became more popular around the world. There are two main religion in Japan and they are Shinto and Buddhism, Shinto is the oldest in Japanese culture while Buddhism was imported in the 6th century. People are either one religion or the other or sometimes both. There are many holidays is Japan and they are Shogatsu, Setsubun, Hanami, and Golden week. Those translate to New Years, Bean throwing festival, Cherry blossom festival, and Golden week is a week of a lot of travel and the beginning of good weather. The main language is Japanese and it is spoken by 126 million people in the world and most of that is in Japan. One of the most famous landmarks in Japan is Mt. Fuji and some other landmarks are the Himeji Castle, Itsukushima Shrine, and  Hashima Island which was once the base of an undersea coal mine. Some of the popular sports are sumo wrestling, martial arts, and baseball.

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